
Our product

Since the end of 2020, with the closure of a second research and development program, we are offering products from our insect production units. Our insects help our client to complete their production program for specific or constant reasons. We care about the genetic quality of our animals with the high-level support of our industrial partner, Orvia, specialized in geese and ducks genetic. From the egg to the larvea, all our products are constantly controlled and improved to offer the best of our know-how to our clients.

Our animal are perfectly adapted to all growing system designed for Hermetia Illucens. We have specifically respected the rules of European Union to bring to the market animals with the best performances. Our supply chain created to deliver our clients in Europe insure a strong health safety for transport and clients.


The larvae are available from the youngest stage after a first incubation stage. This Hermetia Illucens larvae are delivered ready to use in every kind of system. The larvae are fed during the transport with a standardized rearing diet and perfectly managed regarding health perspectives.

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From our genetical lines, well known for their zootechnical performances, our breeders can be reared in different matting systems, closed, or opened. The individual fitness is checked on every single batch delivered. Our system is monitored with a perfect management to avoid risk of inbreeding,Once delivered in your system, the adults well emerged in a maximal time slot of 5 days if the batch is maintained in perfect temperature and humidity conditions.

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