
Our services

From feasibility studies to industrialization of production, we are able to answer to every questions that can be raised from specific contexts. The team is capitalizing from its experiences and its partners’ network to find solutions. We are welcoming trials from laboratory to industrial scales in our technical center in France. Our team consists of expert entomologists specialized in Hermetia illucens, agricultural engineers and experimented profiles in industrial project management. Our people will help from the definition of your project, the identification of milestones and precise report on the development. Working with us is meaning saving time and ensuring a strong development in the industrial project. 


This first step is defining precisely the technical and economic aspects of the projects. We are developing specific trials on our site and gathering market information. We conclude this step with a first estimate about the profitability of the project.


A new experimental stage is set up at an industrial scale to confirm the project business model. This step is key to validate at the same time the quality of the semi-final and final products to start sales prospection on field.


The project is now defined, and parameters of project known. Cycle Farms offers support to take contact with industrial equipment suppliers that has been used in the past and with perfectly adapted equipment. We are offering several services as such as the creation of a own-designed quality management system, recruitment advices or technical support to the commissioning of the global activity.


The commissioning has been done and Cycle Farms can follow up your development with trainings, operational diagnostics, and profitability optimization. In the meantime, the company will introduce products from its research and development programs to maximize yield on site and increase your competitiveness.

Take a look at our products to launch your project

Our products

Discover Cycle Farms' engineering project in Ghana

The entire production line from insect production to complete feed extrusion has been designed by our internal team. Using existing machinery but also innovative process, our Ghana factory is the first factory worldwide to integrate that far the value chain of animal feed.

Our Ghana website