
Enam Papa Tilapia

EnamPapa tilapia has been created to answer to all the market needs in Ghana for the tilapia production.
With two different ranges, PRO or ECO, these feeds insure high performance of growth and a profitability on farm.

Our sales team remains fully available for more details or technical advice on the use of this product.

Enam Papa Tilapia Grower

30 % Protein | 8 % Lipid

Best-seller products of Enam Papa range: insure a quick growth and the best conversion rate in the market for open systems as cages or closed like ponds. With a perfect floatability this feed will give uniform results in high density context.

3 mm 4.5 mm 6 mm

Enam Papa Tilapia Grower Eco

28 % Protein | 6 % Lipid

A special range to answer specific market’s demands. This Eco product has been developed to help farmers to challenge difficult period due to economical or sanitary crisis. The range allows good performance in growth and survival hence increasing the value for money in difficult time.

4.5 mm 6 mm

Enam Papa Tilapia Premium grower

36 % Protein | 8 % Lipid

This feed is a guarantee of quick growth for the beginning of the adult stage of tilapia life cycle. In between two stages, hatchery and growing stage, which can increase the morality of the production, this pellet will maximize survival rate while pursuing on a fast growth.

3 mm

Enam Papa Premium Grower 2 mm

40 % Protein | 8 % Lipid

This pellet is floating, with a small size and enriched in protein to insure nutrition on the post-fingerling period. This product is made wiith a high technicality to be floating to insure that the fish will get use to this type of feeding and with a high level of protein inside.


Enam Papa Tilapia Broodstock

38 % Protein | 9 % Lipid

A product specially designed to increase breeding and eggs quality for tilapia. This product is enriched with vitamins and minerals dedicated to increase reproduction of the fish.

4.5 mm